
 10月13日游玩White Mountains 的相片终于出炉了, 我真慢... XP


White Mountains 很漂亮,是新罕布什爾州一個主要的旅遊點。在秋天, White Mountains 眾所周知的五顏六色,没听说过吗?那你就真的是我们广东人说的“大乡里”了 呵呵呵呵呵


无云的blue sky, orange, red, yellow, brown, and some green.看招==>!

Of course, this is just a sample of what you would see. If you climb to the top of a mountain like we did, you will see a whole valley. I think I have a picture of that in the link at the end of this article. For that picture, and for your view of the whole valley, we spent 5 hours that day in a round trip up a steep slope of this one mountain trail, and it's not even the highest mountain there! Orz to people who regularly climb mountains.

当然,这只是一个小叶海,我们就比较幸运,不经不觉闯进了一条山林步道,上山上了4小时,到山顶就看到一大片咯!整个山谷都是红橙黄绿!我的website就有这样一张照片,花了我们整整5个小时来回俄!路上泥泞有危险哦..Orz to 常爬山的人们。。。

still working on this site of my photos


We also saw this along the way...


What is it? nothing but a DEAD TREE of course.... the marvel, though, is that 他长年累月糜烂在潮湿的环境里,倒下来了,. Now it lies in this beautiful shape over a 小溪流. And 如果你小心看, 有小蘑菇长在枯木上哦,可能还有什么灵芝呢。。。哈哈哈just kidding, 才不要吃呢,可能有毒的。。 X(

More mushrooms in every little corner that you can find a rotting piece of wood. Now you think that you can be very resourceful,, these trees die and give their nutrients back to nature! Anyways just a geeky thought.. XP

So finally, in the last day of our three day trip, we figured that we won't climb the mountains by foot any more. We drove up! Of course! Smart MIT geeks.. hehe


 This, in particular, is on our way up to Mount Washington, the highest mountain in the White Mountain region.


这就是我刚刚所说得红橙黄绿的山谷.但是这山可高呢! 千万不要不慎往前行,小心小命哦  =P

但说真的,这条上山的路真的不好走,超恐怖的!路斜仅供两辆车边贴边通过,还没有护栏。what's crazier?! 这条路的历史里面有不少人创造过世界纪录。。 他们可以开着跑车用7分钟下山,我们就用了1.5 小时each way。。。 当然是小心为上啦。

然后上山最最简单的方法就是乘火车。 See my picture of the old engineer/tourist and the old style train, 挺有感觉的。。And yes, this train runs on a steam engine and manages to climb up the SIDE of the mountain......  好power 哦。。。。Orz Orz


And then on our way out of White Mountain, just some early morning marvels that we found. Don't be scared, this is just a  picture of steam evaporating off of a rather freezing lake in the morning. We woke up early and caught this, teach you a lesson, early bird catches the prey!! =D Don't worry, no monster will come out of that lake, or else I wouldnt' be here writing



And finally a marvelous show off of my camera's abilities. (For those chemical/mechanical engineers learning about fluid mechanics, this is a good example of stream lines...) hehe

More pretty pictures of my white Mountain trip can be found at my locker soon!

First, just check out my albums, enjoy!

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